Saturday, January 30, 2016

Apple anticipates new wireless charger for Iphone – Nueva Prensa de Guayana

Apple is preparing a wireless charging function for iPhone, according to a Bloomberg report, although not arrive until 2017, because of an interest in extending the technology beyond its current limitations


In 2015 companies like Samsung and Sony launched smartphones with wireless charging capabilities, which work by leaving your phone on a charging station that is connected to the current

According to the report. Bloomberg Business, the company’s Tim Cook is exploring technologies that allow load “from beyond the base load current phones.”

Specifically, Apple seeks to overcome problems such as loss of power as increasing distance from the base. So far it has not closed the inclusion of technology in the iPhone.

The work would be developed with companies in the US . and Asia, but so far have not identified these potential partners

The company has previously registered patents related to wireless charging systems: one recorded in 2010 using a desktop computer iMac as an energy source for phone load located at a distance of one meter.

If realized the plan described by Bloomberg, the new feature iPhone 2016 (the rumored “iPhone 7″) is jump and would be released for what takes would be the next generation “S” phone.


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