Tuesday, January 26, 2016

PANAMA: Scientists achieve higher resolution image of a galaxy – EntornoInteligente

Criticism / & gt; Fifteen terrestrial telescopes attached to the antenna RadioAstron Russian space mission, which orbit our planet, have managed to capture the high resolution image of a galaxy till the date. The work has been led by researchers from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia, part of the CSIC, and it will help to better understand the nature of active galaxies.

The image was achieved by using a technic called interferometry Very Long Baseline and which allows different telescopes separated geographically, work together. The end result is a telescope with a diameter equal to the distance that separates those who are at the ends.

The astronomy radio waves, a type of light undetectable to the naked eye, it is essential to study the formation of stars or supermassive black holes, allowing to observe a thousand times better than we can get with optical telescopes angular resolution. “By combining all these first antennas have achieved the resolution would have an antenna with a size equal to eight times the Earth’s diameter, twenty microarcseconds” said José Luis Gómez, CSIC researcher at the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia , who heads the study.

Viewed from Earth, the 20 microarcseconds correspond to the size of a two Euro coin on the surface of the Moon, a resolution that allowed a glimpse with the unparalleled accuracy central regions of the object known as BL Lacertae, the active nucleus of a galaxy located nine billion light years and is powered by a black hole about two hundred million times the mass of our sun.

Objects The ends active galactic nuclei are the most energetic objects in the universe and can continuously emit more than 100 times the energy released by all the stars in a galaxy like ours. These galaxies contain a supermassive black hole of up to billions of solar masses surrounded by a disk of gas and have the presence of relativistic jets, jets of subatomic particles perpendicular to the disc traveling at speeds approaching that of light.

It seems clear that the jets arise as a consequence of the fall of disc material to the central black hole, but still largely unknown how the particle beam is formed and how it accelerates to speeds close to that of the light. We know, however, that the magnetic field plays a key role, “says Gomez.

The prevailing hypothesis is that, due to the rotation of the black hole and the disk, the magnetic field lines are rolled and They form a helical structure that confines and accelerates the particles forming the jets. The BL Lacertae study has provided important thing for confirmation of this scenario, as it has yielded the first direct evidence for the existence of a helical magnetic field large scale in a core of an active galaxy.

“The resolution provided by RadioAstron allows us a unique insight into the innermost core assets, where most of its energy is produced regions ?, comments Yuri Kovalev, Astro Space Center researcher and scientific director of the mission RadioAstron

PANAMA:. Scientists achieve higher resolution image of a galaxy

Information The Critica


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