Sunday, January 17, 2016

Facebook, qualified as advertising stalkers –

Much of the growth of computing platforms for social networks is due to the concept of invitation, implemented by Facebook and long, everyday in many places trying to win users. Germany’s highest court declared illegal this feature and let the legal basis that will surely affect other systems such as Linkedin.

The decision of the German court is based on that email advertising is only permitted when the recipient has said it is willing to receive it.

It all began with a lawsuit filed by the Federation of German Consumer Organisations (VZBV, for its acronym in English).

The court found that when Facebook (even with permission) takes the contact list of a new user to send you an invitation, it is a marketing strategy that qualified as misleading and violates the German laws on fair trade practices and data protection.

In the movie The Social Network, nominated for eight Oscars and won three in 2010, the invitation is shown as being a basic strategy to grow a snowball that, so far, has resulted in its creator is the world’s youngest billionaire.

By the time Facebook’s lawyers argue his point with the innocence argument, saying that it was only made available to the user an option to optimize your network.

The official statement from Facebook says it does not already include this function and will study the judgment ‘to assess the impact it may have on our services. ”


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