Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Moon was created by collision between Earth and a planet formation – LaTercera (Record)

The moon formed by a strong collision between the young Earth and a planet called Theia embryo , approximately 100 million after our planet formed.

So Geochemical reinforce the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), giving the hypothesis of a head-on collision that occurred 4,500 million years ago and refute the idea that Theia had crashed to Earth at an angle of 45 degrees or more, a powerful lateral blow.

The new study published in the magazine Science reveals evidence that confirm this fact. The researchers found that chemical composition of the rocks of the Earth and the Moon is very similar , after analyzing seven lunar rocks brought back to Earth in the Apollo 12, 15 and 17 missions and six other rocks Volcanic Earth’s mantle, 5 of Hawaiian and Other Arizona.

In 2014 a group of German scientists published in the same journal that the Moon had its own unique oxygen isotope ratio, different from Earth.

Researchers at Los Angeles refuted this hypothesis saying that if Earth and Theia had collided laterally, most of the Moon would be composed of Theia, and the Moon to the Earth would have different isotopes of oxygen .

However, a head-on collision had occurred as the Earth and Moon share the same isotopes of oxygen, so says Edward Young, lead author of the research, saying that “we see no difference between the isotopes of oxygen in the Earth and the Moon “and indicated that” Theia was thoroughly mixed with the Earth and the Moon, and uniformly dispersed between the two “.


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