Saturday, July 18, 2015

Documentary reveals details of the trip to Pluto – El Colombiano

Pluto made headlines again this week thanks to the images captured by the New Horizons spacecraft on Tuesday July 14 and Nat Geo show today at 9 . 00 pm exclusive material on this journey in the documentary Rediscovering Pluto

This trip was followed by the researcher and astronomer SwRI, Dr. Marc Buie , who she spoke to him COLOMBIAN on the details of this historic trip.

Specifically, what we do with the arrival of New Horizons to Pluto?

“We see increasing amounts detail. For color images, we will be able to distinguish the red regions of white, and so on. These pictures tell us where methane is concentrated on the surface and where no. We can also make measurements of the atmosphere of Pluto to see its structure, its temperature and how it interacts with the solar wind.

We have seen his brother body, like the great moon around Neptune, Triton, and We’ve seen things like gushing geysers on its surface. This is an example of something we are looking to see if it also happens in Pluto. “

Also we will see information about the moons that revolve around Pluto?

“Of course, Pluto is not the only object there. We have a large moon, Charon, and then there are the four small moons; We are already seeing the interesting patterns of light and dark on the surface of the largest. We are also starting to develop theories about what these has caused. “

What makes Pluto so interesting to have its own documentary?

“Pluto is definitely my favorite planet. I’ve been studying it for 35 years, trying to figure out what it is and to understand what it tells us about our solar system. I would have no problem at all with a TV, a series, movie or anything to describe what’s going on Pluto, because I find it fascinating. The important thing is that this is a new area that we have not explored very well and this is our first look at the bodies that inhibit the far reaches of our solar system. We know from experience that every time we look at something new, we learn things we never dreamed that exist and gives us a much deeper understanding of the system in which we live. “

Do you think that at some point humans can reach Pluto?

“Would not it be fun? I would love to buy a ticket and a spacesuit to go. But right now, with our technology, it is a very long journey. The spacecraft has just arrived there has been flying for nine and a half years and can not stop, will fly in orbit around the galaxy forever. Simply we do not have the technology or engines and spacecraft capable of sending people to Pluto and bring her back. Mars is quite difficult and it’s right in our backyard, so much as I like to say that I would love to go there, do not know how to do yet. “

The International Astronomical Union said Pluto was not a planet, what do you think about it? Do you think that change their minds with these images?

“Well, first, I would say that the judgment did was to classify Pluto as a dwarf planet. Now, in my opinion it is still a planet, one which is of a different type. I think what they have done is very confusing, it does not help scientific research in the solar system because it confuses the public. But I’m sure that Pluto, in every bit, remains a planet and the photos show that he is definitely not the same as an asteroid or other small bodies in the Solar System.

I will point out one of my sentences Favorite: “Science is not a democracy.” You did not vote on what the answer to understanding what an object like Pluto, is a planet and not a planet? We can all have our opinions, we all can discuss, but the fact that the IAU (for its acronym in English) has had a vote to decide what to call it, is as useless as a scientific tool. “

With all of New Horizons, what will become of Hubble and what the future of this space telescope?

“In fact, while the Hubble is not able to take pictures as which takes the New Horizons, can still get comments that are important.

He was one of the main users of Pluto Hubble looking and have a great program that is running on it at this time. Let’s get the data values ​​40 orbits in this year. In fact, right now you’re looking at Pluto, basically every day, and we can continue using the Hubble to monitor what is happening on the surface.

Probably the most important thing that Hubble will continue is to measure the positions of the small outer satellites, we can already see. Nix and Hydra, the two largest, and Kerberos and Styx, which are small enough to see them actually have to use the Hubble

What we will be able to do is continue to monitor the system in the coming years and to continue to refine and improve our measurements of the masses, as New Horizons told us how great they are, then we can say what is its density Ultimately and have some idea of ​​its composition. We will continue using the Hubble during the time it is operational “.


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