Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Spanish experts are trying to identify the mysterious European Cebro – Reuters

It is assumed that the European Cebro is similar to tarpan horse, a living fossil August 26, 2015, 6:33 Madrid , Aug 26 (Prensa Latina) A morphological study of Spanish researchers reconstructed the Cebro in an attempt to identify this mysterious European Animal quoted by the medieval chronicles, which continue to this day still missing fossils.

 The animal, similar to African and which was described in Don Quixote zebras, may have been according to research by the University of Oviedo one Equus hydruntinus, a wild horse, a wild ass imported from the Middle East or a donkey or feral horse.

The four hypotheses, pending physical evidence, should serve as a guide to further studies to address the animal incógnitasobre allegedly inhabited the Iberian Peninsula to the late sixteenth century.

The experts cited by the Service Scientific Information and News (SINC) collected information from various humanistic and scientific disciplines to provide an interdisciplinary response.

The study’s lead author Carlos Nores explained to SINC that the first quote is from Fray Martin Sarmiento, who found allusions to Cebros in Portuguese and Spanish medieval documents.

In 1992 the Nores own and other researchers felt that it could be a kind of wild ass, ass Equus hydruntinus Otranto, which existed in southern Europe , which remains in the Iberian peninsula were found until the age of Cobre.

But then recalls the researcher Eva-Maria Geigl palaeogeneticist showed that the real Equus hydruntinus was extinct in the Pleistocene the skeletal remains found were similar to the extinct wild horses ass Otranto.

In his opinion, the most plausible hypothesis seems to be the last wild horse in Western Europe cited by Roman and early medieval authors with matching descriptions those made later on Cebro.

To Nores this course is the one with fewer discrepancies with archaeological, genetic and historical data, but doubts and lack of fossils that cofirmen persist.

According to the expert’s existence Cebro is demonstrated by documents from the Middle Ages they considered a different animal the horse as it did not happen with other parecidsa species such as pigs and wild boar which were never confused.

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