Thursday, August 18, 2016

Google launches system to fight Skype video calls and WhatsApp – El Cronista

Google has just launched a new application that allow you to make free video calls in open competition to services like Skype and WhatsApp, which announced that it will incorporate the ability to make video calls from 2017. This is the free application Duo.

And while it is not yet available for download in Argentina, you can make a pre register to receive notification only be used from the Google Play. During a developer conference in Mountain View, Eric Kay, engineering director at Google, said Duo will be a totally different experience to those available in the market. He added that the experience has been optimized so that there is no delay between answer and that the video starts.

However, Google already has Hangouts, a chat and video calling platform, which would be far from disappearing despite what one might expect.

in the case of Duo, it is available for Android and iPhones with iOS 9 or higher and works with the phone number, like WhatsApp, so it is not You need to have a Google account, although it will be possible to register with Gmail or a Google voice number. The service can be used with any connection speed. When the app detects a too slow connection suspend the video to preserve the audio.

Since Google also promised it will be very easy to use and that the company plans to integrate with Duo future Allo, a more complete service that targets the segment of WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. According to some international analysts, Duo is somewhat limited because, among other things, does not allow video conferencing group, which does allow Hangouts.

In exchange, issuing voice begins even before the receiver call off hook. This function is called Knock Knock (English onomatopoeia to knock on the door) and can be disabled at any time. which allows the recipient to see who is doing the caller to know if you receive the call or not. This app will also be compatible with platforms Android and iOS.

According to experts, the launch of Duo has to do with the need for Google to conquer iOS users to choose their applications on Apple native apps. Examples are cited to Google Maps, Google Docs or Google Photos, you not only work perfectly in iPhones, iPads and Macs, but also avoid any problems of incompatibility with Android devices.

Nick Fox, head communication product of Google, said to the New York Times that the top priority Duo is to build a good product and increase the use of video calls between users of Android, but also make this more attractive operating system for users iPhones. ?? Our vision is that video calls should work for everyone. If you can only call half the people you know, it is very limited ??.


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