Sunday, August 28, 2016

What is special about the new planet found? – Diario de Los Andes

DLA Merida .-

The announcement by a group of astronomers at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) looked like one more of the same: they discovered a similar to Earth outside our solar system planet, which we can not possibly go and it does not have much information. But the fact is that it has features that stand out among the other
This time all signs point to Next b is special. Has conditions to host similar to terrestrial life and is just 4 light-years, distance, on a universal scale, is “almost under our noses,” says AFP.
These are the characteristics exhibited by ESO scientists, and quoted by the website of the BBC, to show that Next b is not ‘one of the bunch’.
is real and is close
the planet is at a relatively close distance to Earth and is the nearest similar characteristics never before detected. reach it would take traveling at the speed of light four years
Ideal temperature

it orbits the star Proxima Centauri, 7 million kilometers of it, which means 5% of the distance between Earth and the sun. However, despite its proximity, “it is plausible that the temperatures are -30 degrees Celsius in the shade part and +30 on exposed to light, “said Guillem Anglada-Escudé.


the mass of this planet is 1.3 times that of Earth and astronomers believe it may be rocky, not gas, and habitable for humans. Thanks to the light patterns detected, astronomers conclude that takes to orbit its star, the equivalent of about 11.2 Earth days.
Two sides of the planet

Although scientists do not yet confirmed, considered “very likely” that the force of gravity, only one side is exposed to light and other remains dark.
what remains to be seen

After its discovery, the scientific debate focuses on whether the atmosphere is evaporating slowly, as with similar planets, and what kind of chemistry has the rocky planet.

many more rays X

because of the proximity to its star, which is also quite active, the surface of Proxima b receives many more extreme X-rays and ultraviolet that that the Earth receives from the Sun (about 100 times more, according to preliminary calculations of researchers), a factor that is crucial to the origin and development of life as we know it.


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