Saturday, October 22, 2016

Mars: photos show the remains of the destroyed probe Schiaparelli – RPP News

(Agency N+1 / Hans Garden) A space satellite of the NASA in martian orbit seems to have discovered the place where lies, allegedly destroyed, the probe Schiaparelli. The device, whose task it was to touch the surface of Mars to collect samples of their composition, activity, and indications of the existence of life in it, it began its descent to the red planet on the last Wednesday, as part of the mission ExoMars European Space Agency (ESA). However, ESA lost contact with the probe for a minute before it hit martian soil.

according To agency officials, the abruption of the parachute that aminoraba the speed with which it fell, the probe was the main factor that led to the violent precipitation of the Schiaparelli. Also, according to the most recent telemetry data that this reached to send, the retrorockets that would serve to stabilize when they reach the ground were switched on for less time than scheduled. Even the ESA has not been able to discover what generated both situations.

it is true that until this morning, the agency continued its efforts to communicate with the Schiaparelli, given that there was no certainty about how, finally, he had arrived at the red planet. This, despite the fact that it was presumed that he had fallen in free fall, already without his parachute, from about 2 to 4 miles high, at an average speed of over 300 kilometers per hour, according to a report of THAT.

The “mother ship” of the mission, the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO)— which this week also began to orbit the red planet, then began the work of search. The chances of identifying the computer were minimal, by its small size (it has a 2.4 m diameter and 1.65 m in height), although there was clear which was the area in which I could have finished. Therefore, your search, were joined by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) of NASA. The images that today was able to record seem to confirm that the Schiaparelli suffered a violent death, according to Space.

The photos, taken with a camera of low resolution, show what appears to be the parachute from the lander, about 12 meters wide, as well as dark spot probably created by the impact of the lander, officials said ESA.

next week, the NASA satellite will obtain images in a higher resolution with the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE).

The mission ExoMars had as objective to test the efficiency of the technology developed by the ESA to collect information on Mars, and clues about the existence of life on the planet. Therefore, in order to strengthen the ground for the second phase of exploration, to be launched in 2021. Despite the possible disappearance of the Schiaparelli, the director of the agency, Jan Woerner, insists that the mission has been successful by the contributions on the martian atmosphere which will provide the TGO, which has managed to position itself successfully in orbit around Mars, over the next seven years.


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