Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The martians arrived already! Capture 234 signs of ‘extraterrestrial life’ – Swagger

The dream of contact with intelligent life on other planets and confirm that we are not the only ones in the Universe, this could become a reality thanks to two astronomers canadians who captured itextraterrestrial signals!

Yes, Ermanno Borra, and Eric Trottier, astronomers of the Physics Department of the University of Laval in Quebec, found 234 signals in different stars, and assure that they are messages of extraterrestrial civilizations who want to get in contact with the Earth.

These signs were found after analyzing two and a half million stars using the hypotheses of the astronomer Clears, that says that the aliens could use a laser pointing to the Earth to communicate.

As Deleted, these messages would perceive our planet as a strobe light with flashes very weak and rapid that could only be captured with the technology and the mathematical analysis suitable.

based on this hypothesis, Erase, and Trottier, looked for signals in excess of two million stars, and were found in 234 of the same spectral type as the Sun.

Before celebrating the discovery of extraterrestrial life on other planets, you should know that some scientists have qualified this statement as somewhat premature, as the discovery was based on a hypothesis and have not been studied other reasons that could create the phenomenon such as rapid pulsations in the atmospheres of stars or the rotation of some molecules.

we Just hope that if it is intelligent life and already spotted our beautiful planet Earth, the aliens come in peace and we don’t want to declare war.

*With information from ABC and Science Alert

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-When do we make contact with extraterrestrials?

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