Monday, November 14, 2016

Effects of the full moon the 14th of November and how it affects according to our sign – Time San Juan

Milagros Herrera

“The full moon on November 14 is not only a full moon nearest of 2016, but also the full moon closest to the date in the TWENTY-first century," said NASA in a press release. “The full moon is not will be so close to the Earth until the 25th of November 2034.

In an event that was not the case from January of 1948, the moon getting closer to the earth more than usual, which means that the satellite natural it will look larger than normal, during the eve of the 14th November, in which you will be able to appreciate 14 percent larger and 30 percent more light.


The energies of the Full Moon and its effects, if the is made conscious, can lead us to connect with frequency vibratory high that enable it to operate acts of transformers, through the first universal principle

In normal conditions, this effect of the “Lunation" that it is in effect, we can drag and low passions, extreme positions related resentments, hatreds, intolerance , grief, sadness, dissatisfaction with your actions and with your present life, but leaving behind our minds by effect of to be aware of the energies that are active, we can operate acts of spiritual alchemy, transmuting the emotional turbulence so marked in this cycle, and focus on those trends to the development of our psychic power, that allows us to operate changes internal, which are then reflected in our environment.

“you can change your thoughts, you can change your destination". This phrase can apply in this cycle, that is the transmutation. The half of the cycle of this Lunation will be the 14th November, with the so-called Super Moon that will be receiving the light of the Sun, and connecting to earth the psychic power turned on, so that it can be translated into concrete facts. We can move those energies through meditation, to enter into a mantra and especially in breathing in too much space-times, with calm and lots of peace.

it Is time to recognize and apply the first of the law airtight: “All is Light, the Universe is Light." That is to say, that the true the nature of the energy, force and matter, is the inner light. The universe is a creation of the All (God), in whose light we live and move and have our being.

And as we were made, or, better said, thought, image, and likeness of that Whole which we call God, we can operate from our own light that dwells in us, that is a fragment of that universal mind, and “create" our world.

The effects of this lunation reaches us, precisely because of another of the hermetic principles, as embodied in “The Kybalion", a book that sets out and explains those principles attributed to Hermes Trismegistus.

“As above down", another of these principles (the law of correspondence), connects to the macrocosm to our microcosm, with our mind and our spirit and by that the astrological configurations are reflected in our own being, and if you with our light, channeled, we’ll work true miracles.

Also, under the principle that “everything vibrates", us is found linked with everything in the universe, and as well as we vibrations of what is happening in the cosmos, in the same way, our vibration and our being emits vibrations that affect our environment.

we Are living a process and (a vibration) of evolution and transmutation; to transmute means to change a state of vibrating the dense, one more subtle, in relationship with something of the same nature, for example hatred into love. That is spiritual alchemy. This is relations with the law of polarity: “The similar and antagonistic are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet…" By something popular wisdom indicates that of hate to love there is a step.

This intense lunation, connects us with the possibility of to transmute and evolve; it also invites us to be silent, to not to waste energy-verbal, and thus build up psychic forces, because that is one of the secrets to achieving the desires, and it is precisely the quiet and mysterious Scorpio, it is the sign of desire.

And what better way of understanding the energy of desire, and do it, with these beautiful words of wisdom Veda, reflected in the “Upanishads": “you are what You is the deep desire that drives you. Such as is your desire is your will. As it is your will, your acts. Such as are your acts, such is your destiny."


ARIES-This lunation brand developments in your area of changes internal, it is your time to recognize who you are actually.

TAURUS-This lunation brand evolution at the positive in your area of emotional relationships, whether with your partner, with friends, with family and parents.

GEMINI-This lunation brand evolution in your work area, they are moments of major changes to professional standards, you can be ready in to study or change work or promote, you are considering and you are in a time of want best ways to your work.

CANCER-This lunation brand developments in your area of the relationship with your partner or walking down to your emotional stability, it is time to really decide if your emotions toward someone are correct, and if you are answered, from the freedom and the real feeling for both parties.

LEO-This lunation brand developments in your area of the home, are moments in which you can decide on change of place of living, or of getting to agreements of peace and tranquility with who you will be living, and may be with friends, parents, siblings, partner etc.

VIRGO-This lunation mark developments in your area of human relations, will enter into a stage of inner growth and understanding toward others, you will feel much more receptor (or) with the other, these in a sweet moment towards the others.

LIBRA-This lunation brand developments in your area of productivity, as thou shalt come to realize that the things they start to walk with greater strength and that everything you do will be positive financially for you, it is a great time for projects and financial growth.

SCORPIO: This lunation brand evolution in your psychology personal, you will notice that things are much more simple as the you can be seeing, you will feel less pressure and with more clarity into the understanding with others.

SAGITTARIUS-This lunation brand developments in your area of the karma, these moments will lead you to accept situations that are difficult to understand but the law of karma will help you walk in peace and balance, everything that you may have been living with strength, anguish and not understanding, open up your understanding to make your life more peaceful.

CAPRICORN-This lunation brand developments in your area of friends, will be a moment more sublime, you will feel more in harmony with all and with the ALL, to enter new people to share a part of your way of life, don’t ask anything, just accepts and moves forward, it is a great moment in your life.

AQUARIUS-This lunation brand evolution in your area professional, it will be a time of great decisions and changes, accept everything come because it will be very positive for your personal growth, reaching get great satisfactions in your life.

PISCES-This lunation brand developments in your area of ideal, you’ll need to prepare because everything you project and want to make at this time in your life, it will be a decision successful and will be full total.


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