Monday, November 14, 2016

Tales and legends of the full Moon – The

Paris, France | AFP | The fascinating and haunting Moon, the only natural satellite of Earth, feeds on myths and legends from millennia ago, and continues to do so today, almost half a century after the man got to step on its surface.

on Monday, the spectacle of the superluna in different regions of the world aroused a great interest among the media and among many fans. The star of the night, in full Moon phase, it was "only" 356.509 km of Land, compared to an average distance of 384.400 km had Never been so close to us for almost 70 years.

"The Moon feeds the imagination of man, feed your ghosts and invites the mystery", declared to AFP Bernard Melguen, responsible for astronomy courses at the University of Nantes (west of France).

Our satellite however has a significant role with respect to the Earth-creates tides and stabilizes the Earth’s axis, and therefore its climate.

And the days of the full Moon, wakes up all the fears.

"The human being is an animal day. The Moon is inseparable of the night and the fears that do arise", stresses Anne Marchand, a specialist in myths. "When it is full, it gives the impression that you have more power," says the AFP.

From the Earth, the visible form of the star changes throughout its cycle of 29.5 days: new Moon, first quarter, full Moon, fourth the waning moon. In any way, "grows to disappear before re-birth", explains Bernard Melguen.

"Is at the origin of the beliefs of the death and the resurrection", especially in ancient Egypt, says. "Osiris, as the Moon, is the first dead to rise again", adds the specialist, the author of several books on the star of the night.

The Moon tends to have the traits of a goddess, such as Artemis in the Greek civilization, though not always. In sumerian mythology, the astro, which has a prominent role, it is male. And in the egyptian civilization, is the god Thoth which symbolizes the Moon.

– Babies, hair, nails… –

The witches invoke the goddess of the Moon in the nights of a full Moon to enhance their magical powers.

And it is under this star that, in the human imagination, there is the character of the werewolf, a man who transforms into a wolf during the full Moon.

this lunar phase is also attributed to certain changes in people with mental problems, recalls Bernard Melguen. "In the NINETEENTH century, in some nursing homes the English, clinging to the lunatic fringe before, during, and after the full Moon," he says.

The star, which grows as they days pass, "is usually associated to fertility, that grows, that develops," explains Anne Marchand.

The fact that the woman’s menstrual cycle, an average of 28 days, it looks similar to the lunar cycle feeds all kinds of assumptions, although scientists are only coincidences.

likewise, "no more babies are born when there is a full Moon," says Bernard Melguen. The statistical studies in different countries have not been allowed to establish this correlation. However, the belief persists.

it is Also believed that the Moon would have the power to make it grow more hair or the nails, in their growing phase.


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