Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Todoist wants an artificial intelligence that will drive the agenda – Clarí

Todoist is an application focused on productivity. Enabling you to build a list of tasks and set reminders for special events, weekly activities or daily routines but now it has launched a new tool based on the artificial intelligence advises when to do what we need to do.

Is called a Smart Schedule and what that does is to suggest dates for the activities we enter. We humans are pretty bad at estimating how much time it will take us to do something and perhaps a machine you can organize with delivery dates more realistic and efficient.

The tool performs an analysis of your data and find the best times for each activity. Takes into account your past habits compares the urgency of the task, comprises what you do from Monday to Friday and what you leave for the weekend, distributes the tasks in the 7 coming days in order to not bunch up and respects your daily and weekly targets..


The company says that the idea came after seeing as many of their users tended to defer tasks gathering inevitably to having to do more than 50 things in a single day. In the same way, always you can reject the suggestion Smart Schedule or edit it. The more we use the app the better we will understand and the more accurate their recommendations.

it Is a new alternative both for those who already use Google Calendar or a similar app as for those who think that they should stop pasting pieces of paper in the frame of the monitor.


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