Saturday, November 26, 2016

Stop using Facebook produces happiness, study says – The Herald (Colombia)

social networks have been a great way to connect with the world and with those who are far away, however it has been identified that is the window to highlight multiple sensations and feelings in each publication.

A study of The Happiness Research Institute states that a person to stop using Facebook for one week only, you feel more happy and less worried.

This experiment was made in 1095 persons in Denmark by randomly assigning half of them to the task of not using Facebook for a week. The rest of the group used the social network normally.

In that time we measured the level of use and states of mind.

Before and after the research participants had to answer the question: In general, how satisfied are you with your life today?, and measure it from 1 to 10.

The group that followed his routine said before 7,67 satisfaction, and after using Facebook for a week marked 7,75. For their part, the who didn’t use the social network marked 7,56 before and 8,12 later.

88% of those who are "disconnected" they claimed to feel more happy compared to the 81% that were connected. In addition, 84% said that they enjoyed the more your life during the week without networks compared to 75% of the other group.

The 33% of those who were on Facebook were more depressed compared to 22% of those who did not.

there was Also an increase in their social activity face-to-face and less difficulty concentrating.

The research ensures that the usual behavior of the participants in Facebook consisted of only show positive things in their profiles: 94% visit Facebook as part of a daily routine, 78% use Facebook to 30 minutes a day or more, 86% browse the news feed often, or very often, 69% prefer to post pictures of the great things that they experience, and 61% prefer to post things and good places.

The Happiness Research Institute says in this study that social networks “are like a channel that only come out for the good news, a constant flow of lives that have been edited and distorted our image of reality".

The researchers identified one of the limitations on its exercise, which consisted in that he could have a predisposition on the part of the participants, who were presented voluntarily.

The University of Michigan said in a study previous to this people "the more they used Facebook over two weeks, their levels of satisfaction with life decreased".


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