Tuesday, November 15, 2016

How to use the new service of video calls WhatsApp – The Nacional.com

“With the passing of the years, we have received many messages from our users requesting a video call and we are thrilled to be able to offer, in the end, this ability to the world.”

With these words, WhatApp, messaging application most popular in the world, announced Tuesday the launch of its new role, through a press release on his blog.

“In the coming days, more than a billion users of WhatsApp will be able to make video calls between Android, iPhone and Windows Phone devices”, said.

The service will be free, and will use the internet connection of your mobile phone (or wifi networks) “, instead of the minutes from your voice plan, in order to avoid excessive fees, phone calls”, explained from the company.

however, the company said that “there may be additional charges for the use of the data service”.

3 steps

Its use is very simple: so we will only have to select the icon of voice call, or video that will appear in the upper-right corner of the screen of the cell.

through that conversation window, activate or deactivate the functions of video or voice, or we will end the video call.

We have the possibility to use the front camera or the main camera of the phone, switching legs, in function of the image that we desire to show to the interlocutor.

The interface will turn the screen if you want to see the image in a horizontal position and even minimize it to be able to continue to respond to messages on our phone.

in Addition, we will be able to mute the video if you so wish.

To use this function you must download the latest update of WhatsApp, which is the only one that provides these conversation options (both users must have installed that version).

If you have the old version, when you press the call button the application will ask us if we want to update it.

In terms of privacy, the company said that its videollamdas will be “encrypted end-to-end”, something that is already a reality in the text messages sent by the users through the platform.

Video “for all”

The tool had been a year in beta phase, but from now on will be a reality for all its users.

According to the responsible of the platform, “sometimes, voice messages or text are not sufficient,” and that was why it was indispensable to create this function.

With their video calls in real time, WhatsApp will ask the competition to Skype and FaceTime (Apple), but also to Snapchat and Duo (Google), that they joined recently this system.

in Addition, Facebook, the parent company of WhatsApp, is investing in a video call on your platform Messenger and about 300 million people use its system video calls or voice each month.

“there is No way to replace the thrill of watching live the first steps of a grandchild or to see the face of the daughter who studies abroad”, explained the responsible of WhatsApp.

“And we want these functions to be available to everyone,not just those who can afford the phones more expensive and novel, or for those who live in the countries with the best networks of mobile telephony”.


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