Monday, January 23, 2017

Appeared Meitu, a dangerous app for young people – Journal ONE of Between Rivers

Up there might sound like any other popular app among young people. However, it seems to be that it is full of code is unusual in that the company in charge of developing it could be taking information about certain preferences of the users.

Meitu takes some data of the mobile phone as the addresses IMEI and MAC to share them with a network of servers in China. The app itself does not show ads, which lets you see something suspicious: how is it that it can survive if you have no income through advertisers?

fortunately for users of iOS, the operating system blocks the application of this type of data by the applications, however, users with Android platform does not run with the same protection because the operating system allows you to collect address information IMEI of your users.

Apps such as Snapchat or Instagram are some similarities in how it will operate in the machinery, are simply not as aggressive or intrusive in the data that are collected as Meitu. It seems that the geolocation is something to pay attention in the future, the applications want to know where you are exactly, since this can bring you advertising much more segmented and targeted to your interests, and above all the place where you are.

while this kind of practices are banned by the app stores officials, the developers don’t seem to care as long as they get the important information to offer targeted advertising.


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