Friday, January 20, 2017

So it will use Donald Trump his phone in the White House – ViveUSA

After that the now president of the united States, Donald Trump, was informed by intelligence officials about the intrusion of Russian elections, a reporter of american called his cell to ask for an interview, and happened something strange.

according To a reporter of the agency The Associated Press, the call went to a voice mail, and the reporter did not leave a message. However, an hour after Trump returned the call.

it Is hard to imagine many politicians and in particular the new president of the united States returning a call to an unknown number in your cell. However, throughout his business career, Trump the greater part of his time is attached to the phone, which is the way in which they do business.

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With his arrival in the White House this Friday, the future of the phone Donald Trump, always with Android, it is a matter of national security. Even, according to the above-mentioned agency, told a friend that he had handed over his phone, as the security agencies had been exhorted to do so.

it Is unknown whether he was following the example of president Barack Obama, the first president of the country with a cell, who exchange your personal device by a Blackberry highly modified for security reasons.

Donald Trump does not send emails, but use your phone to tweet, something that you plan to continue doing. It is known that calls very early in the morning or late in the night, often to solicit points of view from various sources when making a decision.

The senator Bob Corker, republican Tennessee, said recently that the Trump is “surprisingly accessible”, and indicated that he answers your phone even when you don’t know who called.

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