Thursday, March 17, 2016

Analysis: Why Facebook bought a company Virtual Reality? –

Write Sergio Morales for 16/03/16. – it may sound crazy, but Facebook was nothing more than a good deal.

And for Mark Zuckerberg, founder of social network, does not fit your head that virtual reality will be a failure in the future, as has happened with other projects they have tried to get a space, but have been left without attention from people in a short time (to mention one case, Microsoft’s Kinect).

This firm conviction Facebook regarding virtual reality led to disburse US $ 2,000 million for one of the companies that has more time working on virtual reality Oculus Rift .

Anyone who has heard some about virtual reality, the term seems strange Oculus Rift? It should not, because they are major precursors of virtual reality.

In fact while were an independent company, Oculus VR had already invested about US $ 91 million in the development of its technology. Mark Zuckerberg, meanwhile, noted the great progress that had been achieved with Oculus VR prototype and chose to buy the entire company. But what took Facebook to make such a decision?

The creator of the social network is absolutely dazzled by this technology, which has led him to be completely sure that virtual reality is the future of computing as we have known always. In fact, Mark said that virtual reality will completely change the way in which we communicate with each other and also allow access to new experiences and all thanks to the digital age.

But what would be the requirement for this technology interesting and can deliver its full potential? Something that is still under development: the 5G networks.

Why? Because these high-speed networks would be the only means that would allow high traffic load from the device to the Internet, enabling the projection of images and high quality videos in near real time.

However, this is a challenge, as many places in the world even have good access to the network. Even considering this, Zuckerberg is confident and is sure that virtual reality will reach the homes of the people and will have an excellent reception.

is expected to Oculus Rift reach the public at the end of this year, however, it is noteworthy that not have a clear path, as many other technology companies renowned international (including Google and Microsoft) are also developing their own prototypes of virtual reality goggles.

What will be better? Will there be made Facebook the smarter purchase? How will the competition between what will be the leading global provider of virtual reality? Everything looks to be an interesting and very beneficial battle technologically speaking, for people in general.

** Sergio is Director of Content ROI Agency: SEO and clean image online

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